Documentation v8.0.24

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Fullcalendar is the most popular Javascript Calendar. It's powerful and lightweight and suitable for just about anything. For more info see the official siteand the Github repository.

Basic Example

Fullcalendar localization demo. For more info, please visit the official documentation.
// Define variables
var initialLocaleCode = "en";
var localeSelectorEl = document.getElementById("kt_docs_fullcalendar_locale_selector");
var calendarEl = document.getElementById("kt_docs_fullcalendar_locales");

// initialize the calendar -- for more info please visit the official site:
var calendar = new FullCalendar.Calendar(calendarEl, {
    headerToolbar: {
        left: "prev,next today",
        center: "title",
        right: "dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek,timeGridDay,listMonth"
    initialDate: "2020-09-12",
    locale: initialLocaleCode,
    buttonIcons: false, // show the prev/next text
    weekNumbers: true,
    navLinks: true, // can click day/week names to navigate views
    editable: true,
    dayMaxEvents: true, // allow "more" link when too many events
    events: [
            title: "All Day Event",
            start: "2020-09-01"
            title: "Long Event",
            start: "2020-09-07",
            end: "2020-09-10"
            groupId: 999,
            title: "Repeating Event",
            start: "2020-09-09T16:00:00"
            groupId: 999,
            title: "Repeating Event",
            start: "2020-09-16T16:00:00"
            title: "Conference",
            start: "2020-09-11",
            end: "2020-09-13"
            title: "Meeting",
            start: "2020-09-12T10:30:00",
            end: "2020-09-12T12:30:00"
            title: "Lunch",
            start: "2020-09-12T12:00:00"
            title: "Meeting",
            start: "2020-09-12T14:30:00"
            title: "Happy Hour",
            start: "2020-09-12T17:30:00"
            title: "Dinner",
            start: "2020-09-12T20:00:00"
            title: "Birthday Party",
            start: "2020-09-13T07:00:00"
            title: "Click for Google",
            url: "",
            start: "2020-09-28"


// build the locale selector"s options
calendar.getAvailableLocaleCodes().forEach(function (localeCode) {
    var optionEl = document.createElement("option");
    optionEl.value = localeCode;
    optionEl.selected = localeCode == initialLocaleCode;
    optionEl.innerText = localeCode;

// when the selected option changes, dynamically change the calendar option
$(localeSelectorEl).on("change", function () {
    if (this.value) {
        calendar.setOption("locale", this.value);

<!--begin::Localization dropdown-->
<div class="mb-5">
    <label class="fs-4 fw-bolder mb-3">Select a Localization:</label>
    <select id="kt_docs_fullcalendar_locale_selector" class="form-select mw-200px" data-control="select2" data-placeholder="Select an option">
<!--end::Localization dropdown-->

<div id="kt_docs_fullcalendar_locales"></div>

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