Documentation v8.0.24

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ApexChartsis loaded with powerful features to fulfill your data-visualization needs. For more info, please visit the plugin's site


ApexCharts' CSS and Javascript files are bundled in the global style and scripts bundles and are globally included in all pages:
<link href="assets/css/style.bundle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<script src="assets/js/scripts.bundle.js"></script>

Column Chart

Simply define a blank divwith a unique idin your HTML markup. Then initialize the chart via javascript.
var element = document.getElementById('kt_apexcharts_1');

var height = parseInt(KTUtil.css(element, 'height'));
var labelColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-gray-500');
var borderColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-gray-200');
var baseColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-primary');
var secondaryColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-gray-300');

if (!element) {

var options = {
    series: [{
        name: 'Net Profit',
        data: [44, 55, 57, 56, 61, 58]
    }, {
        name: 'Revenue',
        data: [76, 85, 101, 98, 87, 105]
    chart: {
        fontFamily: 'inherit',
        type: 'bar',
        height: height,
        toolbar: {
            show: false
    plotOptions: {
        bar: {
            horizontal: false,
            columnWidth: ['30%'],
            endingShape: 'rounded'
    legend: {
        show: false
    dataLabels: {
        enabled: false
    stroke: {
        show: true,
        width: 2,
        colors: ['transparent']
    xaxis: {
        categories: ['Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul'],
        axisBorder: {
            show: false,
        axisTicks: {
            show: false
        labels: {
            style: {
                colors: labelColor,
                fontSize: '12px'
    yaxis: {
        labels: {
            style: {
                colors: labelColor,
                fontSize: '12px'
    fill: {
        opacity: 1
    states: {
        normal: {
            filter: {
                type: 'none',
                value: 0
        hover: {
            filter: {
                type: 'none',
                value: 0
        active: {
            allowMultipleDataPointsSelection: false,
            filter: {
                type: 'none',
                value: 0
    tooltip: {
        style: {
            fontSize: '12px'
        y: {
            formatter: function (val) {
                return '$' + val + ' thousands'
    colors: [baseColor, secondaryColor],
    grid: {
        borderColor: borderColor,
        strokeDashArray: 4,
        yaxis: {
            lines: {
                show: true

var chart = new ApexCharts(element, options);
<div class="card card-bordered">
    <div class="card-body">
        <div id="kt_apexcharts_1" style="height: 350px;"></div>

Bar Chart

Simply define a blank divwith a unique idin your HTML markup. Then initialize the chart via javascript.
var element = document.getElementById('kt_apexcharts_1');

var height = parseInt(KTUtil.css(element, 'height'));
var labelColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-gray-500');
var borderColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-gray-200');
var baseColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-warning');
var secondaryColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-gray-300');

if (!element) {

var options = {
    series: [{
        name: 'Net Profit',
        data: [44, 55, 57, 56, 61, 58]
    }, {
        name: 'Revenue',
        data: [76, 85, 101, 98, 87, 105]
    chart: {
        fontFamily: 'inherit',
        type: 'bar',
        height: height,
        toolbar: {
            show: false
    plotOptions: {
        bar: {
            horizontal: true,
            columnWidth: ['30%'],
            endingShape: 'rounded'
    legend: {
        show: false
    dataLabels: {
        enabled: false
    stroke: {
        show: true,
        width: 2,
        colors: ['transparent']
    xaxis: {
        categories: ['Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul'],
        axisBorder: {
            show: false,
        axisTicks: {
            show: false
        labels: {
            style: {
                colors: labelColor,
                fontSize: '12px'
    yaxis: {
        labels: {
            style: {
                colors: labelColor,
                fontSize: '12px'
    fill: {
        opacity: 1
    states: {
        normal: {
            filter: {
                type: 'none',
                value: 0
        hover: {
            filter: {
                type: 'none',
                value: 0
        active: {
            allowMultipleDataPointsSelection: false,
            filter: {
                type: 'none',
                value: 0
    tooltip: {
        style: {
            fontSize: '12px'
        y: {
            formatter: function (val) {
                return '$' + val + ' thousands'
    colors: [baseColor, secondaryColor],
    grid: {
        borderColor: borderColor,
        strokeDashArray: 4,
        yaxis: {
            lines: {
                show: true

var chart = new ApexCharts(element, options);
<div class="card card-bordered">
    <div class="card-body">
        <div id="kt_apexcharts_2" style="height: 350px;"></div>

Line Chart

Simply define a blank divwith a unique idin your HTML markup. Then initialize the chart via javascript.
var element = document.getElementById('kt_apexcharts_3');

var height = parseInt(KTUtil.css(element, 'height'));
var labelColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-gray-500');
var borderColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-gray-200');
var baseColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-info');
var lightColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-light-info');

if (!element) {

var options = {
    series: [{
        name: 'Net Profit',
        data: [30, 40, 40, 90, 90, 70, 70]
    chart: {
        fontFamily: 'inherit',
        type: 'area',
        height: height,
        toolbar: {
            show: false
    plotOptions: {

    legend: {
        show: false
    dataLabels: {
        enabled: false
    fill: {
        type: 'solid',
        opacity: 1
    stroke: {
        curve: 'smooth',
        show: true,
        width: 3,
        colors: [baseColor]
    xaxis: {
        categories: ['Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug'],
        axisBorder: {
            show: false,
        axisTicks: {
            show: false
        labels: {
            style: {
                colors: labelColor,
                fontSize: '12px'
        crosshairs: {
            position: 'front',
            stroke: {
                color: baseColor,
                width: 1,
                dashArray: 3
        tooltip: {
            enabled: true,
            formatter: undefined,
            offsetY: 0,
            style: {
                fontSize: '12px'
    yaxis: {
        labels: {
            style: {
                colors: labelColor,
                fontSize: '12px'
    states: {
        normal: {
            filter: {
                type: 'none',
                value: 0
        hover: {
            filter: {
                type: 'none',
                value: 0
        active: {
            allowMultipleDataPointsSelection: false,
            filter: {
                type: 'none',
                value: 0
    tooltip: {
        style: {
            fontSize: '12px'
        y: {
            formatter: function (val) {
                return '$' + val + ' thousands'
    colors: [lightColor],
    grid: {
        borderColor: borderColor,
        strokeDashArray: 4,
        yaxis: {
            lines: {
                show: true
    markers: {
        strokeColor: baseColor,
        strokeWidth: 3

var chart = new ApexCharts(element, options);
<div class="card card-bordered">
    <div class="card-body">
        <div id="kt_apexcharts_3" style="height: 350px;"></div>

Multiline Chart

Simply define a blank divwith a unique idin your HTML markup. Then initialize the chart via javascript.
var element = document.getElementById('kt_apexcharts_4');

var height = parseInt(KTUtil.css(element, 'height'));
var labelColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-gray-500');
var borderColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-gray-200');

var baseColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-success');
var baseLightColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-light-success');
var secondaryColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-warning');
var secondaryLightColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-light-warning');

if (!element) {

var options = {
    series: [{
        name: 'Net Profit',
        data: [60, 50, 80, 40, 100, 60]
    }, {
        name: 'Revenue',
        data: [70, 60, 110, 40, 50, 70]
    chart: {
        fontFamily: 'inherit',
        type: 'area',
        height: height,
        toolbar: {
            show: false
    plotOptions: {},
    legend: {
        show: false
    dataLabels: {
        enabled: false
    fill: {
        type: 'solid',
        opacity: 1
    stroke: {
        curve: 'smooth'
    xaxis: {
        categories: ['Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul'],
        axisBorder: {
            show: false,
        axisTicks: {
            show: false
        labels: {
            style: {
                colors: labelColor,
                fontSize: '12px'
        crosshairs: {
            position: 'front',
            stroke: {
                color: labelColor,
                width: 1,
                dashArray: 3
        tooltip: {
            enabled: true,
            formatter: undefined,
            offsetY: 0,
            style: {
                fontSize: '12px'
    yaxis: {
        labels: {
            style: {
                colors: labelColor,
                fontSize: '12px'
    states: {
        normal: {
            filter: {
                type: 'none',
                value: 0
        hover: {
            filter: {
                type: 'none',
                value: 0
        active: {
            allowMultipleDataPointsSelection: false,
            filter: {
                type: 'none',
                value: 0
    tooltip: {
        style: {
            fontSize: '12px'
        y: {
            formatter: function (val) {
                return '$' + val + ' thousands'
    colors: [baseColor, secondaryColor],
    grid: {
        borderColor: borderColor,
        strokeDashArray: 4,
        yaxis: {
            lines: {
                show: true
    markers: {
        colors: [baseLightColor, secondaryLightColor],
        strokeColor: [baseLightColor, secondaryLightColor],
        strokeWidth: 3

var chart = new ApexCharts(element, options);
<div class="card card-bordered">
    <div class="card-body">
        <div id="kt_apexcharts_4" style="height: 350px;"></div>

Mixed Chart

Simply define a blank divwith a unique idin your HTML markup. Then initialize the chart via javascript.
var element = document.getElementById('kt_apexcharts_5');

var height = parseInt(KTUtil.css(element, 'height'));
var labelColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-gray-500');
var borderColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-gray-200');

var baseColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-primary');
var baseLightColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-light-primary');
var secondaryColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-info');

if (!element) {

var options = {
    series: [{
        name: 'Net Profit',
        type: 'bar',
        stacked: true,
        data: [40, 50, 65, 70, 50, 30]
    }, {
        name: 'Revenue',
        type: 'bar',
        stacked: true,
        data: [20, 20, 25, 30, 30, 20]
    }, {
        name: 'Expenses',
        type: 'area',
        data: [50, 80, 60, 90, 50, 70]
    chart: {
        fontFamily: 'inherit',
        stacked: true,
        height: height,
        toolbar: {
            show: false
    plotOptions: {
        bar: {
            stacked: true,
            horizontal: false,
            endingShape: 'rounded',
            columnWidth: ['12%']
    legend: {
        show: false
    dataLabels: {
        enabled: false
    stroke: {
        curve: 'smooth',
        show: true,
        width: 2,
        colors: ['transparent']
    xaxis: {
        categories: ['Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul'],
        axisBorder: {
            show: false,
        axisTicks: {
            show: false
        labels: {
            style: {
                colors: labelColor,
                fontSize: '12px'
    yaxis: {
        max: 120,
        labels: {
            style: {
                colors: labelColor,
                fontSize: '12px'
    fill: {
        opacity: 1
    states: {
        normal: {
            filter: {
                type: 'none',
                value: 0
        hover: {
            filter: {
                type: 'none',
                value: 0
        active: {
            allowMultipleDataPointsSelection: false,
            filter: {
                type: 'none',
                value: 0
    tooltip: {
        style: {
            fontSize: '12px'
        y: {
            formatter: function (val) {
                return '$' + val + ' thousands'
    colors: [baseColor, secondaryColor, baseLightColor],
    grid: {
        borderColor: borderColor,
        strokeDashArray: 4,
        yaxis: {
            lines: {
                show: true
        padding: {
            top: 0,
            right: 0,
            bottom: 0,
            left: 0

var chart = new ApexCharts(element, options);
<div class="card card-bordered">
    <div class="card-body">
        <div id="kt_apexcharts_5" style="height: 350px;"></div>

Timeline Chart

Simply define a blank divwith a unique idin your HTML markup. Then initialize the chart via javascript.
var element = document.getElementById('kt_apexcharts_6');

var height = parseInt(KTUtil.css(element, 'height'));

var baseColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-primary');
var baseLightColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-success');
var secondaryColor = KTUtil.getCssVariableValue('--bs-info');

if (!element) {

var options = {
    series: [
            name: 'Bob',
            data: [
                    x: 'Design',
                    y: [
                        new Date('2019-03-05').getTime(),
                        new Date('2019-03-08').getTime()
                    x: 'Code',
                    y: [
                        new Date('2019-03-02').getTime(),
                        new Date('2019-03-05').getTime()
                    x: 'Code',
                    y: [
                        new Date('2019-03-05').getTime(),
                        new Date('2019-03-07').getTime()
                    x: 'Test',
                    y: [
                        new Date('2019-03-03').getTime(),
                        new Date('2019-03-09').getTime()
                    x: 'Test',
                    y: [
                        new Date('2019-03-08').getTime(),
                        new Date('2019-03-11').getTime()
                    x: 'Validation',
                    y: [
                        new Date('2019-03-11').getTime(),
                        new Date('2019-03-16').getTime()
                    x: 'Design',
                    y: [
                        new Date('2019-03-01').getTime(),
                        new Date('2019-03-03').getTime()
            name: 'Joe',
            data: [
                    x: 'Design',
                    y: [
                        new Date('2019-03-02').getTime(),
                        new Date('2019-03-05').getTime()
                    x: 'Test',
                    y: [
                        new Date('2019-03-06').getTime(),
                        new Date('2019-03-16').getTime()
                    x: 'Code',
                    y: [
                        new Date('2019-03-03').getTime(),
                        new Date('2019-03-07').getTime()
                    x: 'Deployment',
                    y: [
                        new Date('2019-03-20').getTime(),
                        new Date('2019-03-22').getTime()
                    x: 'Design',
                    y: [
                        new Date('2019-03-10').getTime(),
                        new Date('2019-03-16').getTime()
            name: 'Dan',
            data: [
                    x: 'Code',
                    y: [
                        new Date('2019-03-10').getTime(),
                        new Date('2019-03-17').getTime()
                    x: 'Validation',
                    y: [
                        new Date('2019-03-05').getTime(),
                        new Date('2019-03-09').getTime()
    chart: {
        type: 'rangeBar',
        fontFamily: 'inherit',
        height: height,
        toolbar: {
            show: false
    colors: [baseColor, secondaryColor, baseLightColor],
    plotOptions: {
        bar: {
            horizontal: true,
            barHeight: '80%'
    xaxis: {
        type: 'datetime'
    stroke: {
        width: 1
    fill: {
        type: 'solid',
        opacity: 1
    legend: {
        position: 'top',
        horizontalAlign: 'left'

var chart = new ApexCharts(element, options);
<div class="card card-bordered">
    <div class="card-body">
        <div id="kt_apexcharts_6" style="height: 350px;"></div>

Explore Metronic

Metronic Licenses

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Regular License
For single end product used by you or one client
$ 39
Extended License
For single end product with paying users.
$ 939
Custom License
Reach us for custom license offers.
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