Documentation v8.0.24

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AmChartsis programming library for all your data visualization needs. You can download and use it for free. The only limitation of the free version is that a small link to this web site will be displayed in the top left corner of your charts. If you would like to use charts without this link, or you appreciate the software and would like to support its creators, please purchase a commercial license. For more info please check AmCharts Home.
Exclusively for Keenthemes users
After purchasing Metronic you will get a promo code for 15% discountoff the commercial license of AmChart. To find the promo code please check the README file in the purchased package.


To use AmChartsin your page you will need to include
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Bar Chart

Simply define a blank divwith a unique idin your HTML markup. Then initialize the chart via javascript. Click on the legend items to show/hide series. A special method `arrangeColumns` is added to this demo which nicely aniamtes columns so that they would always be centered within the cell.
am4core.ready(function () {

    // Themes begin
    // Themes end

    var chart = am4core.create('kt_amcharts_1', am4charts.XYChart)
    chart.colors.step = 2;

    chart.legend = new am4charts.Legend()
    chart.legend.position = 'top'
    chart.legend.paddingBottom = 20
    chart.legend.labels.template.maxWidth = 95

    var xAxis = chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.CategoryAxis())
    xAxis.dataFields.category = 'category'
    xAxis.renderer.cellStartLocation = 0.1
    xAxis.renderer.cellEndLocation = 0.9
    xAxis.renderer.grid.template.location = 0;

    var yAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis());
    yAxis.min = 0;

    function createSeries(value, name) {
        var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.ColumnSeries())
        series.dataFields.valueY = value
        series.dataFields.categoryX = 'category' = name'hidden', arrangeColumns);'shown', arrangeColumns);

        var bullet = series.bullets.push(new am4charts.LabelBullet())
        bullet.interactionsEnabled = false
        bullet.dy = 30;
        bullet.label.text = '{valueY}'
        bullet.label.fill = am4core.color('#ffffff')

        return series;
    } = [
            category: 'Place #1',
            first: 40,
            second: 55,
            third: 60
            category: 'Place #2',
            first: 30,
            second: 78,
            third: 69
            category: 'Place #3',
            first: 27,
            second: 40,
            third: 45
            category: 'Place #4',
            first: 50,
            second: 33,
            third: 22

    createSeries('first', 'The First');
    createSeries('second', 'The Second');
    createSeries('third', 'The Third');

    function arrangeColumns() {

        var series = chart.series.getIndex(0);

        var w = 1 - xAxis.renderer.cellStartLocation - (1 - xAxis.renderer.cellEndLocation);
        if (series.dataItems.length > 1) {
            var x0 = xAxis.getX(series.dataItems.getIndex(0), 'categoryX');
            var x1 = xAxis.getX(series.dataItems.getIndex(1), 'categoryX');
            var delta = ((x1 - x0) / chart.series.length) * w;
            if (am4core.isNumber(delta)) {
                var middle = chart.series.length / 2;

                var newIndex = 0;
                chart.series.each(function (series) {
                    if (!series.isHidden && !series.isHiding) {
                        series.dummyData = newIndex;
                    else {
                        series.dummyData = chart.series.indexOf(series);
                var visibleCount = newIndex;
                var newMiddle = visibleCount / 2;

                chart.series.each(function (series) {
                    var trueIndex = chart.series.indexOf(series);
                    var newIndex = series.dummyData;

                    var dx = (newIndex - trueIndex + middle - newMiddle) * delta

                    series.animate({ property: 'dx', to: dx }, series.interpolationDuration, series.interpolationEasing);
                    series.bulletsContainer.animate({ property: 'dx', to: dx }, series.interpolationDuration, series.interpolationEasing);

}); // end am4core.ready()
<div class="card card-bordered">
    <div class="card-body">
        <div id="kt_amcharts_1" style="height: 500px;"></div>

Line Chart

Simply define a blank divwith a unique idin your HTML markup. Then initialize the chart via javascript. This demo shows comparison of two line series from different periods.
am4core.ready(function () {

    // Themes begin
    // Themes end

    // Create chart
    chart = am4core.create('kt_amcharts_2', am4charts.XYChart);

    var data = [];
    var price1 = 1000, price2 = 1200;
    var quantity = 30000;
    for (var i = 0; i < 360; i++) {
        price1 += Math.round((Math.random() < 0.5 ? 1 : -1) * Math.random() * 100);
        data.push({ date1: new Date(2015, 0, i), price1: price1 });
    for (var i = 0; i < 360; i++) {
        price2 += Math.round((Math.random() < 0.5 ? 1 : -1) * Math.random() * 100);
        data.push({ date2: new Date(2017, 0, i), price2: price2 });
    } = data;

    var dateAxis = chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.DateAxis());
    dateAxis.renderer.grid.template.location = 0;
    dateAxis.renderer.labels.template.fill = am4core.color('#e59165');

    var dateAxis2 = chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.DateAxis());
    dateAxis2.renderer.grid.template.location = 0;
    dateAxis2.renderer.labels.template.fill = am4core.color('#dfcc64');

    var valueAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis());
    valueAxis.tooltip.disabled = true;
    valueAxis.renderer.labels.template.fill = am4core.color('#e59165');

    valueAxis.renderer.minWidth = 60;

    var valueAxis2 = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis());
    valueAxis2.tooltip.disabled = true;
    valueAxis2.renderer.labels.template.fill = am4core.color('#dfcc64');
    valueAxis2.renderer.minWidth = 60;
    valueAxis2.syncWithAxis = valueAxis;

    var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.LineSeries()); = '2015';
    series.dataFields.dateX = 'date1';
    series.dataFields.valueY = 'price1';
    series.tooltipText = '{valueY.value}';
    series.fill = am4core.color('#e59165');
    series.stroke = am4core.color('#e59165');
    //series.strokeWidth = 3;

    var series2 = chart.series.push(new am4charts.LineSeries()); = '2017';
    series2.dataFields.dateX = 'date2';
    series2.dataFields.valueY = 'price2';
    series2.yAxis = valueAxis2;
    series2.xAxis = dateAxis2;
    series2.tooltipText = '{valueY.value}';
    series2.fill = am4core.color('#dfcc64');
    series2.stroke = am4core.color('#dfcc64');
    //series2.strokeWidth = 3;

    chart.cursor = new am4charts.XYCursor();
    chart.cursor.xAxis = dateAxis2;

    var scrollbarX = new am4charts.XYChartScrollbar();
    chart.scrollbarX = scrollbarX;

    chart.legend = new am4charts.Legend();
    chart.legend.parent = chart.plotContainer;
    chart.legend.zIndex = 100;

    valueAxis2.renderer.grid.template.strokeOpacity = 0.07;
    dateAxis2.renderer.grid.template.strokeOpacity = 0.07;
    dateAxis.renderer.grid.template.strokeOpacity = 0.07;
    valueAxis.renderer.grid.template.strokeOpacity = 0.07;

}); // end am4core.ready()
<div class="card card-bordered">
    <div class="card-body">
        <div id="kt_amcharts_2" style="height: 500px;"></div>

Pie Chart

Simply define a blank divwith a unique idin your HTML markup. Then initialize the chart via javascript. Each slice in pie series can have individual radius value, coming directly from data.
am4core.ready(function () {

    // Themes begin
    // Themes end

    // Create chart
    chart = am4core.create('kt_amcharts_3', am4charts.PieChart); = 0; // this creates initial fade-in = [
            country: 'Lithuania',
            value: 260
            country: 'Czechia',
            value: 230
            country: 'Ireland',
            value: 200
            country: 'Germany',
            value: 165
            country: 'Australia',
            value: 139
            country: 'Austria',
            value: 128

    var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.PieSeries());
    series.dataFields.value = 'value';
    series.dataFields.radiusValue = 'value';
    series.dataFields.category = 'country';
    series.slices.template.cornerRadius = 6;
    series.colors.step = 3; = -90;

    chart.legend = new am4charts.Legend();

}); // end am4core.ready()
<div class="card card-bordered">
    <div class="card-body">
        <div id="kt_amcharts_3" style="height: 500px;"></div>

Timeline Chart

Simply define a blank divwith a unique idin your HTML markup. Then initialize the chart via javascript.
am4core.ready(function () {

    // Themes begin
    // Themes end

    chart = am4core.create('kt_amcharts_4', am4plugins_timeline.SerpentineChart);
    chart.curveContainer.padding(20, 20, 20, 20);
    chart.levelCount = 8;
    chart.orientation = 'horizontal';
    chart.fontSize = 11;

    var colorSet = new am4core.ColorSet();
    colorSet.saturation = 0.6; = [{
        'category': 'Module #1',
        'start': '2016-01-10',
        'end': '2016-01-13',
        'color': colorSet.getIndex(0),
        'task': 'Gathering requirements'
    }, {
        'category': 'Module #1',
        'start': '2016-02-05',
        'end': '2016-04-18',
        'color': colorSet.getIndex(0),
        'task': 'Development'
    }, {
        'category': 'Module #2',
        'start': '2016-01-08',
        'end': '2016-01-10',
        'color': colorSet.getIndex(5),
        'task': 'Gathering requirements'
    }, {
        'category': 'Module #2',
        'start': '2016-01-12',
        'end': '2016-01-15',
        'color': colorSet.getIndex(5),
        'task': 'Producing specifications'
    }, {
        'category': 'Module #2',
        'start': '2016-01-16',
        'end': '2016-02-05',
        'color': colorSet.getIndex(5),
        'task': 'Development'
    }, {
        'category': 'Module #2',
        'start': '2016-02-10',
        'end': '2016-02-18',
        'color': colorSet.getIndex(5),
        'task': 'Testing and QA'
    }, {
        'category': '',
        'task': ''
    }, {
        'category': 'Module #3',
        'start': '2016-01-01',
        'end': '2016-01-19',
        'color': colorSet.getIndex(9),
        'task': 'Gathering requirements'
    }, {
        'category': 'Module #3',
        'start': '2016-02-01',
        'end': '2016-02-10',
        'color': colorSet.getIndex(9),
        'task': 'Producing specifications'
    }, {
        'category': 'Module #3',
        'start': '2016-03-10',
        'end': '2016-04-15',
        'color': colorSet.getIndex(9),
        'task': 'Development'
    }, {
        'category': 'Module #3',
        'start': '2016-04-20',
        'end': '2016-04-30',
        'color': colorSet.getIndex(9),
        'task': 'Testing and QA'
    }, {
        'category': 'Module #4',
        'start': '2016-01-15',
        'end': '2016-02-12',
        'color': colorSet.getIndex(15),
        'task': 'Gathering requirements'
    }, {
        'category': 'Module #4',
        'start': '2016-02-25',
        'end': '2016-03-10',
        'color': colorSet.getIndex(15),
        'task': 'Development'
    }, {
        'category': 'Module #4',
        'start': '2016-03-23',
        'end': '2016-04-29',
        'color': colorSet.getIndex(15),
        'task': 'Testing and QA'

    chart.dateFormatter.dateFormat = 'yyyy-MM-dd';
    chart.dateFormatter.inputDateFormat = 'yyyy-MM-dd';

    var categoryAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.CategoryAxis());
    categoryAxis.dataFields.category = 'category';
    categoryAxis.renderer.grid.template.disabled = true;
    categoryAxis.renderer.labels.template.paddingRight = 25;
    categoryAxis.renderer.minGridDistance = 10;
    categoryAxis.renderer.innerRadius = -60;
    categoryAxis.renderer.radius = 60;

    var dateAxis = chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.DateAxis());
    dateAxis.renderer.minGridDistance = 70;
    dateAxis.baseInterval = { count: 1, timeUnit: 'day' };

    dateAxis.renderer.tooltipLocation = 0;
    dateAxis.startLocation = -0.5;
    dateAxis.renderer.line.strokeDasharray = '1,4';
    dateAxis.renderer.line.strokeOpacity = 0.7;
    dateAxis.tooltip.background.fillOpacity = 0.2;
    dateAxis.tooltip.background.cornerRadius = 5;
    dateAxis.tooltip.label.fill = new am4core.InterfaceColorSet().getFor('alternativeBackground');
    dateAxis.tooltip.label.paddingTop = 7;

    var labelTemplate = dateAxis.renderer.labels.template;
    labelTemplate.verticalCenter = 'middle';
    labelTemplate.fillOpacity = 0.7;
    labelTemplate.background.fill = new am4core.InterfaceColorSet().getFor('background');
    labelTemplate.background.fillOpacity = 1;
    labelTemplate.padding(7, 7, 7, 7);

    var categoryAxisLabelTemplate = categoryAxis.renderer.labels.template;
    categoryAxisLabelTemplate.horizontalCenter = 'left';
    categoryAxisLabelTemplate.adapter.add('rotation', function (rotation, target) {
        var position = dateAxis.valueToPosition(dateAxis.min);
        return dateAxis.renderer.positionToAngle(position) + 90;

    var series1 = chart.series.push(new am4plugins_timeline.CurveColumnSeries());
    series1.columns.template.height = am4core.percent(20);
    series1.columns.template.tooltipText = '{task}: [bold]{openDateX}[/] - [bold]{dateX}[/]';

    series1.dataFields.openDateX = 'start';
    series1.dataFields.dateX = 'end';
    series1.dataFields.categoryY = 'category';
    series1.columns.template.propertyFields.fill = 'color'; // get color from data
    series1.columns.template.propertyFields.stroke = 'color';
    series1.columns.template.strokeOpacity = 0;

    var bullet = new am4charts.CircleBullet();
    series1.bullets.push(bullet); = 3; = 0;
    bullet.propertyFields.fill = 'color';
    bullet.locationX = 0;

    var bullet2 = new am4charts.CircleBullet();
    series1.bullets.push(bullet2); = 3; = 0;
    bullet2.propertyFields.fill = 'color';
    bullet2.locationX = 1;

    chart.scrollbarX = new am4core.Scrollbar();
    chart.scrollbarX.align = 'center'
    chart.scrollbarX.width = am4core.percent(90);

    var cursor = new am4plugins_timeline.CurveCursor();
    chart.cursor = cursor;
    cursor.xAxis = dateAxis;
    cursor.yAxis = categoryAxis;
    cursor.lineY.disabled = true;
    cursor.lineX.strokeDasharray = '1,4';
    cursor.lineX.strokeOpacity = 1;

    dateAxis.renderer.tooltipLocation2 = 0;
    categoryAxis.cursorTooltipEnabled = false;

}); // end am4core.ready()
<div class="card card-bordered">
    <div class="card-body">
        <div id="kt_amcharts_4" style="height: 500px;"></div>

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Radar Chart

Simply define a blank divwith a unique idin your HTML markup. Then initialize the chart via javascript.
am4core.ready(function () {

    // Themes begin
    // Themes end

    chart = am4core.create('kt_amcharts_5', am4charts.RadarChart);
    chart.innerRadius = am4core.percent(30);
    chart.fontSize = 11;

    var xAxis = chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.CategoryAxis());
    var yAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.CategoryAxis());
    yAxis.renderer.minGridDistance = 5;

    xAxis.renderer.labels.template.location = 0.5;
    xAxis.renderer.labels.template.bent = true;
    xAxis.renderer.labels.template.radius = 5;

    xAxis.dataFields.category = 'hour';
    yAxis.dataFields.category = 'weekday';

    xAxis.renderer.grid.template.disabled = true;
    xAxis.renderer.minGridDistance = 10;

    yAxis.renderer.grid.template.disabled = true;
    yAxis.renderer.inversed = true;

    // this makes the y axis labels to be bent. By default y Axis labels are regular AxisLabels, so we replace them with AxisLabelCircular
    // and call fixPosition for them to be bent
    var yAxisLabel = new am4charts.AxisLabelCircular();
    yAxisLabel.bent = true;'validated', function (event) {, am4core.math.getDistance({ x:, y: }) - 5); =; =;
    yAxis.renderer.labels.template = yAxisLabel;

    var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.RadarColumnSeries());
    series.dataFields.categoryX = 'hour';
    series.dataFields.categoryY = 'weekday';
    series.dataFields.value = 'value';
    series.sequencedInterpolation = true;

    var columnTemplate = series.columns.template;
    columnTemplate.strokeWidth = 2;
    columnTemplate.strokeOpacity = 1;
    columnTemplate.stroke = am4core.color('#ffffff');
    columnTemplate.tooltipText = '{weekday}, {hour}: {value.workingValue.formatNumber('#.')}';
    columnTemplate.width = am4core.percent(100);
    columnTemplate.height = am4core.percent(100);

    chart.seriesContainer.zIndex = -5; = 0;

    // heat rule, this makes columns to change color depending on value
    series.heatRules.push({ target: columnTemplate, property: 'fill', min: am4core.color('#fffb77'), max: am4core.color('#fe131a') });

    // heat legend

    var heatLegend = chart.bottomAxesContainer.createChild(am4charts.HeatLegend);
    heatLegend.width = am4core.percent(100);
    heatLegend.series = series;
    heatLegend.valueAxis.renderer.labels.template.fontSize = 9;
    heatLegend.valueAxis.renderer.minGridDistance = 30;

    // heat legend behavior'over', function (event) {
    })'hit', function (event) {

    function handleHover(column) {
        if (!isNaN(column.dataItem.value)) {
        else {
    }'out', function (event) {
    }) = [
            'hour': '12pm',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 2990
            'hour': '1am',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 2520
            'hour': '2am',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 2334
            'hour': '3am',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 2230
            'hour': '4am',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 2325
            'hour': '5am',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 2019
            'hour': '6am',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 2128
            'hour': '7am',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 2246
            'hour': '8am',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 2421
            'hour': '9am',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 2788
            'hour': '10am',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 2959
            'hour': '11am',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 3018
            'hour': '12am',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 3154
            'hour': '1pm',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 3172
            'hour': '2pm',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 3368
            'hour': '3pm',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 3464
            'hour': '4pm',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 3746
            'hour': '5pm',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 3656
            'hour': '6pm',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 3336
            'hour': '7pm',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 3292
            'hour': '8pm',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 3269
            'hour': '9pm',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 3300
            'hour': '10pm',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 3403
            'hour': '11pm',
            'weekday': 'Sunday',
            'value': 3323
            'hour': '12pm',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 3346
            'hour': '1am',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 2725
            'hour': '2am',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 3052
            'hour': '3am',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 3876
            'hour': '4am',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 4453
            'hour': '5am',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 3972
            'hour': '6am',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 4644
            'hour': '7am',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 5715
            'hour': '8am',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 7080
            'hour': '9am',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 8022
            'hour': '10am',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 8446
            'hour': '11am',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 9313
            'hour': '12am',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 9011
            'hour': '1pm',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 8508
            'hour': '2pm',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 8515
            'hour': '3pm',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 8399
            'hour': '4pm',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 8649
            'hour': '5pm',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 7869
            'hour': '6pm',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 6933
            'hour': '7pm',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 5969
            'hour': '8pm',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 5552
            'hour': '9pm',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 5434
            'hour': '10pm',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 5070
            'hour': '11pm',
            'weekday': 'Monday',
            'value': 4851
            'hour': '12pm',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 4468
            'hour': '1am',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 3306
            'hour': '2am',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 3906
            'hour': '3am',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 4413
            'hour': '4am',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 4726
            'hour': '5am',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 4584
            'hour': '6am',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 5717
            'hour': '7am',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 6504
            'hour': '8am',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 8104
            'hour': '9am',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 8813
            'hour': '10am',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 9278
            'hour': '11am',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 10425
            'hour': '12am',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 10137
            'hour': '1pm',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 9290
            'hour': '2pm',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 9255
            'hour': '3pm',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 9614
            'hour': '4pm',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 9713
            'hour': '5pm',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 9667
            'hour': '6pm',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 8774
            'hour': '7pm',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 8649
            'hour': '8pm',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 9937
            'hour': '9pm',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 10286
            'hour': '10pm',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 9175
            'hour': '11pm',
            'weekday': 'Tuesday',
            'value': 8581
            'hour': '12pm',
            'weekday': 'Wednesday',
            'value': 8145
            'hour': '1am',
            'weekday': 'Wednesday',
            'value': 7177
            'hour': '2am',
            'weekday': 'Wednesday',
            'value': 5657
            'hour': '3am',
            'weekday': 'Wednesday',
            'value': 6802
            'hour': '4am',
            'weekday': 'Wednesday',
            'value': 8159
            'hour': '5am',
            'weekday': 'Wednesday',
            'value': 8449
            'hour': '6am',
            'weekday': 'Wednesday',
            'value': 9453
            'hour': '7am',
            'weekday': 'Wednesday',
            'value': 9947
            'hour': '8am',
            'weekday': 'Wednesday',
            'value': 11471
            'hour': '9am',
            'weekday': 'Wednesday',
            'value': 12492
            'hour': '10am',
            'weekday': 'Wednesday',
            'value': 9388
            'hour': '11am',
            'weekday': 'Wednesday',
            'value': 9928
            'hour': '12am',
            'weekday': 'Wednesday',
            'value': 9644
            'hour': '1pm',
            'weekday': 'Wednesday',
            'value': 9034
            'hour': '2pm',
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