Documentation v8.0.24

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Metronic was specifically designed to support a multi-demo concept. This Multi-Demo concept is included within Metronic’s package files that also includes Metronic’s default global components and plugins.

What is "Multi-Demo" concept?

A Multi-Demo means that by purchasing a single license of Metronic, you are entitled to receive and use all the different demo types that comes packed within Metronic itself. Each Demo within Metronic is uniquely designed for specific types of solutions or project requirement. For example, when you purchase Metronic, you’ll be able to utilize Metronic’s Default demo, a CRM Application demo, an Intranet System demo, an eCommerce Backend demo, a SAAS Service demo and so much more. Each Demo is organized within its own folder, which is also neatly packed with its own SCSS and JS files or any other files that are specifically required for that demo.

What is a "Global Component Component/Plugin" ?

Global components or Global Plugins are abstract functional elements that can function independently within any of Metronic’s demos. For example, an invoice template or button styles are global components and a datatable or a form wizard are global plugins. Each demo is cross-compatible with Metronic’s default global components and plugins. This allows you to create and develop uniquely design projects by using different demo types together with hand-picked global components and plugins.

Further Customization Options

All these options can also be overridden by your own customized component styles and settings to ensure that your projects with Metronic will always stay fresh and unique for each deployment. Please note that each deployment of Metronic will require a single regular license or higher.

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Metronic Licenses

License FAQs
Regular License
For single end product used by you or one client
$ 39
Extended License
For single end product with paying users.
$ 939
Custom License
Reach us for custom license offers.
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Metronic Demos

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